
Modeling in Databases with R

Edgar Ruiz - Posit

Event: July 2019 Webinar

Modeling in Databases with R

Databases using R: The latest

Edgar Ruiz - Posit

Event: January 2019 RStudio Conference 2019

Databases using R The latest - Edgar Ruiz

Best Practices for working with R & Databases

Edgar Ruiz - RStudio

Event: March 2018 Webinar

Best practices for working with databases (March 2018) - Edgar Ruiz

Connecting to open source databases

Kirill Muller

Event: rstudio::conf2018

Connecting to open source databases - Kirill Muller

Best practices for working with databases

by Edgar Ruiz - Posit

Event: rstudio::conf2018

Best practices for working with databases - Edgar Ruiz

odbc - A modern database interface

by Jim Hester - Posit

Event: useR!2017

Watch presentation

Interacting with databases from Shiny

by Barbara Borges Ribeiro - Posit

Event: useR!2017

Watch presentation

implyr: A dplyr backend for Apache Impala

by Ian Cook - Cloudera

Event: useR!2017

Watch presentation

Improving DBI

by Kirill Müller

Event: useR!2017

Watch presentation

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