graph LR u1(User) u2(User) u3(User) b1(Browser) b2(Browser) b3(Browser) posit(Posit Product) language(R/Python Versions) packages(R/Python Packages) drivers(Pro Drivers) storage(Shared Storage) pg(Postgres) u1---b1 u2---b2 u3---b3 b1---posit b2---posit b3---posit subgraph Container posit---language posit---packages posit---drivers end subgraph server[User/Server State] posit-.-pg posit-.-storage end classDef server fill:#FAEEE9,stroke:#ab4d26 classDef product fill:#447099,stroke:#213D4F,color:#F2F2F2 classDef session fill:#7494B1,color:#F2F2F2,stroke:#213D4F classDef element fill:#C2C2C4,stroke:#213D4F classDef requirement fill:#72994E,stroke:#1F4F4F classDef installs fill:#D0DBE5,stroke:#7394B2 class server,Container server class pg,storage requirement class language,packages,drivers installs class posit product class session,jupyter,vscode,job session class u1,u2,u3,b1,b2,b3 element
Running Posit Products in Containers
Many organizations run Posit Professional products in Docker (or other) containers. Containerization is entirely compatible with Posit products, and many Posit administrators successfully run our products in containers and on Kubernetes.
Posit products are designed to run on long-lived Linux servers for multiple users and projects. Therefore, administrators who want to run Posit products using Docker or Kubernetes have two separate questions, which this article aims to address:
- How and why do I put the Posit products themselves in containers?
- How do I use containerization and a cluster manager like Kubernetes to scale computational load for data science jobs?
In general, we do not recommend putting Posit Professional products themselves in short-lived per-user or per-session containers or Kubernetes pods.
Putting Posit products in containers
Posit products are designed to live on long-running Linux servers. Posit products are entirely compatible with treating a container like the underlying Linux server to better encapsulate dependencies and diminish server statefulness.
In this model, each Posit product is placed in its own long-running container and treated as a standalone instance of the product. Multiple containers can be load-balanced and treated as a cluster. These containers can be managed by a Kubernetes cluster, should you wish.
There are some specific considerations for running Posit products in containers, which are detailed in this article.
Posit also provides images, Dockerfiles, and instructions for deployment here.
Managing load with containerization
Some administrators wish to use containerization to manage the load on their data science infrastructure. If this is the case for your installation, we recommend using Workbench’s Launcher feature to use a Kubernetes cluster as the computation engine for Workbench. With the Launcher, all user sessions - both interactive and ad-hoc jobs - are moved from the Workbench instance to the Kubernetes cluster.
To see these architectures, see:
- Workbench architecture with an external resource manager
- Workbench architecture entirely in Kubernetes
In this configuration, Workbench makes requests for resources to the Kubernetes cluster, so standard Kubernetes tooling can be used to autoscale the nodes underlying the cluster. The Workbench machine or pod itself can be relatively small, as all of the computational load will be directed elsewhere.
Please see these resources for more information on how the Launcher works and on configuration.